Dec 3-5, 2021
Escape to the Enchanted Circle of New Mexico for First Turns this season at Red River Ski Area, established 1959. Like Aspen, Telluride, and Park City, Red River is quaint historic mining town high in the Sangre De Cristo mountain range of northern New Mexico, 8,750 base elevation.
We will ease into the season with conversations up the fixed grip triple. Our first turns will be made down the Main Street ski run. Authentic food will be part of the session as we warm up our collective ski energy for the remainder of the ’21/22 season.
On Hill Emphasis:
“Gravity is Your Friend” and “How to Turn Where We Want To” with Ski CoachPhil
Off Hill Emphasis:
Our Special Guest and Energy Coach Janna helps us achieve better body performance with: “Align Your Energetic Body”
Enjoy the crisp high mountain air in Red River and make some turns with one of the last remaining Independent Ski Area Owners. While in The Enchanted Circle area, we will peak at one of the original communities in North America, the Taos Pueblo.
Go for Enchantment!
See you on the hill.

Event Pricing Coming Soon
Red River is an easy 5hr/low traffic drive south from Denver and a day drive on Route 66 from Southern California.